How to Use vacuum tube in a Sentence
vacuum tube
The numbers bounce around like popcorn, and then some of them get sucked into the vacuum tube.
—Andrew Dansby, Houston Chronicle, 13 Dec. 2017
To remove the vacuum tube, grip the large plastic lugs molded into the tube and twist it off.
—Alex Rennie, Popular Mechanics, 29 Apr. 2022
Like others on our list, the process only requires the vacuum tube to be placed over the port opening and turned on.
—Lindsay Tigar, Peoplemag, 15 Aug. 2023
Elon Musk first proposed the idea of high-speed travel through vacuum tubes in a 2013 white paper.
—David Freeman /, NBC News, 20 May 2018
It is designed to send a vehicle through a vacuum tube at speeds up to 600 miles per hour.
—Harold Maass, TheWeek, 9 Nov. 2020
After that, check the vacuum tube for debris and remove if present.
—Kat De Naoum, Better Homes & Gardens, 20 Oct. 2022
The blood passing through the tiny and large veins — wires and cables — was really a stream of data feeding the vacuum tubes.
—K. Eddie Mehrfar,, 23 Apr. 2018
Fix the brush tool attachment onto your handheld vacuum tube and suck up the first layer of dust, pollen, and dirt.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 30 Nov. 2023
The amps most coveted by guitarists do this with vacuum tubes.
—Kevin Dupzyk, Popular Mechanics, 24 Mar. 2015
The laser was soon being compared to the vacuum tube, the device that spawned the transistor and the then adolescent age of electronics.
—Kat Eschner, Smithsonian, 7 July 2017
Designed by Skidmore & Owens, it was shaped like a radio vacuum tube.
—IEEE Spectrum, 30 Jan. 2023
Then, remove the vacuum tube and hold open the impeller door to remove any leftover debris from the impeller, checking the mulching blades for damage.
—Kat De Naoum, Better Homes & Gardens, 20 Oct. 2022
Then, remove the vacuum tube and hold open the impeller door to remove any leftover debris from the impeller, checking the mulching blades for damage.
—Kat De Naoum, Better Homes & Gardens, 12 Sep. 2023
Even more advanced is the idea of hurtling passengers through vacuum tubes where there is no air resistance.
—Eoin O'Carroll, The Christian Science Monitor, 24 Dec. 2017
Or how about when Hyperloop pods in vacuum tubes were going to shoot us between cities around the world at unimaginably high speeds and low cost?
—Paris Marx, The New Republic, 14 July 2023
Each team had to build a prototype pod that could travel down a .75-mile (1.2-kilometer) vacuum tube.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 28 Aug. 2017
The Siphon Coffee Brewer is based on a vacuum tube style of making coffee first introduced in 1830.
—John Wenz, Popular Mechanics, 17 Mar. 2015
Kids play with water, vapor, vacuum tubes and other machines that dazzle the mind.
—John Pana,, 3 Nov. 2017
Clearly the transistor was better than the vacuum tube.
—Phil Lapsley, WSJ, 11 Oct. 2018
And that posed a fresh challenge, since the tapes were analog and could only be played on a device called a SoundScriber that used old vacuum tube technology.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 12 Nov. 2018
Now researchers say new devices that operate a bit like vacuum tubes could slash the size and power consumption of these fridges by a factor of 10.
—IEEE Spectrum, 12 Sep. 2023
Blower/vacuum tubes: Many handheld mulchers are three-in-one options that come with attached tubes that will blow and/or vacuum leaves.
—Rachel Ahrnsen, Better Homes & Gardens, 28 Feb. 2024
Computers built using vacuum tubes were not suitable for widespread use due to their size.
—Rohini Krishnamurthy, Quartz India, 5 Jan. 2020
At high speeds, even a small earthquake or the slightest breakage of a vacuum tube would pose a significant danger to passengers and crew.
—Anamaria Silic, Discover Magazine, 13 Feb. 2021
Machines that used vacuum tubes also required massive amounts of power and were prone to failure as the tubes burned out frequently.
—Rohini Krishnamurthy, Quartz India, 5 Jan. 2020
To start, a real-world Hyperloop system would require a large network of vacuum tubes.
—Alice Bonasio, Ars Technica, 4 Mar. 2018
Remember that in 1959, top-of-the-line computers—expensive, high-maintenance and run on vacuum tubes—filled a large room.
—Frank Wilczek, WSJ, 25 Apr. 2018
Zap’s pulses start with a puff of deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen) plasma at one end of a meter-long vacuum tube, at the center of which is an electrode.
—IEEE Spectrum, 29 June 2023
If all goes to plan, the US could once again dominate vacuum tube manufacturing.
—Roy Furchgott, WIRED, 28 Mar. 2023
Making his first bid for political office, Garvey has proven to be as empty as a vacuum tube.
—Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times, 6 Mar. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'vacuum tube.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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